Developing the Value Chain of Wind Turbines and Equipment

Wind energy, a powerful ally in our move towards cleaner power, comes in two main types: onshore and offshore wind. Onshore wind farms … Read the full blog

Solar Panel Manufacturing: Materials, Technology and Sustainability

This article provides an in-depth exploration of the solar panel manufacturing process, encompassing the materials and technology … Read the full blog

Approach to Turnaround Industrial Businesses

In the ever-evolving landscape of industrial businesses, resilience is often the key to survival. In today’s hyper-competitive market…Read the full blog

Navigating the Logistics Landscape: Understanding the Sub-Sectors

The world of logistics is a multifaceted realm and encompass a wide range of activities, including transportation, warehousing, inventory management, and packaging.… Read the full blog

Corporate Turnaround Story: Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)

In January 2012, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) appointed Dr.Lisa Su as Sr.Vice President.… Read the full blog

LEGO: One of the Greatest Turnaround Stories In Corporate History

By the year 2003, Lego was encountering major difficulties.Sales had declined by 30% YoY… Read the full blog


A metaverse is a fictional universe or virtual space that offers immersive experiences to the users, leveraging technologies such as… Read the full blog

Corporate Turnaround Story: Delta Airlines

In the early 2000s, Delta Airlines was the third-largest airline in the United States. The airline industry of the US struggled… Read the full blog

Corporate Turnaround Stories: Ford Motor Company 2006-2010

In 2006, the Ford Motor Company was on the brink of financial distress. The company suffered … Read the full blog

Strategic Planning in Recession

The global economy operates in cyclical patterns, experiencing periods of growth followed by … Read the full blog